Yin & Yang⎢Finding Balance Workshop
with Tashina Viola
23.3.19 14.00 - 16.30
@Leimenstrasse 76, 4051 Basel
Sign up: tashinaviola@gmail.com
Please sign up for this event with your name via: tashinaviola@gmail.com
30.- (reduced price for students)
I invite you to an afternoon filled with yummy movements, breath-work, chanting, meditation and deep listening into our bodies, minds and souls.
During this workshop we will be diving deep into the two opposing forces we find everywhere in this universe - Yin & Yang. Yin being said to be the dark, female, soft, giving, surrendering and motherly part of this world. Yang being said to be the light, male, strong, guiding, clear and fatherly part of this world. Yin & Yang are each one side of the coin, they are only whole together, as one. Neither is better or worse, they simply are.
„And how can we play and use them, in order to find our balance, in order to find peace?“
We will explore the properties and qualities of the female energy Yin as well as the male energy Yang. At first we will explore these forces separately, finding out how they feel, who they are and what they can gift us. Later we will be diving into the pursuit of balance of these two energies: „which energy do we embody more naturally?“ „how do I become more aware of which energy is present right now and if it is the one that is needed?“ and „how do I find balance by using the play of Yin & Yang?“
We will be looking at all of these things through the help of sitting in silence through meditation, moving our body through asanas, accepting and grounding through breath-work and surrendering through chanting.
This workshop is an invitation to dive deep into the two qualities of life, the gifts they both bring into this world and how we can explore and play with them in order to live a more balanced and peaceful life.
to be as soft and changeable as water. to move and to stay.
to expand and to compress.
to flow and to burst.
to be strong and calm.
to be a waterfall and a lake.
to be, to be, to be.
all shapes, all forces, all speeds.
to be it all.
to be as soft and changeable as water.
I am looking forward to exploring the light and the darkness with you.